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Travel Workout Essentials [Part One]

Writer: DGDG

Updated: Nov 16, 2020

Travelling and exercising can be a nightmare at times!!

We've all been there before, your in the middle of a workout programme seeing great results and all of a sudden a trip with work or a planned family vacation gets in the way! Motivation can be hard at the best of times, let alone when a new obstacle comes in the way disrupting everything. Fortunately hotel gyms are getting better (there is still a lot that are way behind!!!) but what happens when you don't feel comfortable using the hotels gym or worse... have poor facilities to use or nothing at all!!?? You may be limited to luggage space or even luggage weight allowance... you can't go giving away 10kg of suitcase weight away to fit your favourite kettlebell (#sadtimes). Luckily, we've put together our most recommended fitness travel essentials to help you keep on track with your fitness.

1. TRX

TRX packed in suitcase

There is no doubt that TRX is the leading choice when packing for a holiday, its basically like packing the gym in your suitcase with the wide range of exercises you can complete. Hook up to a tree or post somewhere outdoors and benefit from a workout in the great outdoors or if you feel like training more privately, use the door attachment accessory and get a workout in your room. Complete a whole body workout with plenty of pull/push exercises to help maintain all the great work you've achieved working up to your holiday.

What makes it so great? Everything!! The TRX is literally the all-in-one workout essential and most importantly it weighs next to nothing and takes up little room.

Whats the set back? TRX's do come at a fairly hefty cost, fortunately there is a wide range of more affordable alternatives available on the internet that do the exact same job but under a different branding. Prices start from £20+

2. Skipping Rope

Skipping Rope packed in suitcase

Skipping rope is the perfect workout companion for your holiday; light, compact and versatile... the skipping rope can be used indoors or outdoors, perfect for HIIT workouts to help improve aerobic fitness, burn fat and provide a whole body workout.

What makes it so great? Similar to the TRX, the skipping rope provides you with a wide range of benefits, weighs next to nothing and takes up minimum space.

Whats the set back? Another advantage to skipping ropes is they are very cost effective too, you can pick up a decent skipping rope for a low cost either your local sports shops or over the internet. Prices start from £1/2+

3. Resistance Band

Resistance Band packed in suitcase

If your looking to add intensity to your workout, then look no further than the resistance band! Attach the band to a solid foundation to add pull/push exercises or add the band to your body weight exercises to really step up your training game.

What makes it so great? Minimum space required to pack, lightweight and can also take multiple bands for different levels of intensity if required.

Whats the set back? Resistance bands are pretty cost effective starting from a low cost for some of the lighter bands to a little more pricier rate for some of the stronger resistance. Prices start from around £5+ from various websites.

What are some of your favourite pieces of gym equipment you take away with you when you travel and what do you think will be listed in our part two post? Comment below and let us know.

Keep an eye out for our part two blog post next week that will include an additional 5 recommended items.


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